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Главная Новости Новости культуры Congratulations:Mr Ye Genyi Speaking on Behalf of Quanzhou at Annual Meeting of Shanghai National High-end Equipment Manufacturing Association

Congratulations:Mr Ye Genyi Speaking on Behalf of Quanzhou at Annual Meeting of Shanghai National High-end Equipment Manufacturing Association

  • May 17, 2019

Congratulate Mr. Ye Genyi, Chairman of Xingyi Enterprise, who speaks for Quanzhou city and Xingyicompany at the annual meeting of Shanghai National High-end Equipments Manufacturing Association,on behalf of Quanzhou Equipment Manufacturing Industry Association.

The mission of Xingyi enterprise: 

Enable the global floor labors to work with health, easiness and happiness!Endeavor for a dustless and healthy working environment!

Xingyi enterprise's goal is to promote the China-made Xingyi floor grinding machines to serve the world.

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